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- Classical Lyceum - IED European Institute of Design: Diploma in Visual Communication (1978)

- KLC Garden Design: Diploma, Honours- KLC  Designing with Plants:  Certificate, Honours (2015)

- University of Hertfordshire, UK: Master's Degree in Creative Arts (2019)

- University of Lancaster, UK: Master's Degree in Creative Writing / Poetry (2022)


Featured in international magazines:  Russia Today (illustrations for literature)- Petite Hound Press (art)  - Helen a Literary Magazine  (art) - Poetry WTF?!  (poetry/art) - Art United  (art) - Women who draw (art) - Fiftiness (poetry/art) -  Her Heart Poetry( poetry/art) - Adanna Literary Journal (cover art) - A5 magazine (art) - Flare Review (art) -  Fiction International issue 51'World in pain'(cover art)- Michigan University Coloring Book (illustrations) -  Juxtaprose literary magazine (illustrations) - Beyond Words (art)- the Poetry Kit Anthology' Poetry in the Plague Year' 2020 ( poetry) - 'Same Strange World: an Anthology of Contemporary Voices' 2021 (Poetry)-' Poetry Super Highway'(poem for the Holocaust Remembrance Day Poetry Issue, 2022) - Chariot Press (art) -

- Included in the Annuario Internazionale d'Arte Contemporanea 'Artisti 2022' published by Mondadori - Cultura Identità 2022 (poems-images) - Mondoperaio 5-2022, Photography Collection -Porticato Gaetano 2023, Art -Poetry Exhibition-  3:AM magazine 2023 (poems-images)- Poetry SuperHighway (poem for the Holocaust Remembrance Day Issue, 2023)- Fiction International issue 56 'Refugee' (art)- Erbacce Prize for Poetry 2023, finalist and published poet

in the Erbacce Press Journal issue 77- Erbacce Prize for Poetry 2024, finalist and published poet

in the Erbacce Press  Journal issue 78


Published in Italy with poetry and novels:

'Sarà ancora mattino', novel (Robin Edizioni) -'Luna vuole la luna',novel (Arion) -Collection of Poems longlisted in the 'Premio Letterario Città di Castello' 2021 - Poetry Collection 'Lara lo sai' (Robin Edizioni, 2022 ) -'Con le scarpe in spalla',novel (Ventus, 2023) - 'Jazz di cuori su un campo di lavanda' , novel

(Ali Ribelli, 2023) - 'Quaderno di Poesia, vol.2', 7 poesie (Robin Edizioni, 2023) -

Premio di Poesia 'L'Alloro di Dante' 2023, Finalista con segnalazione speciale di merito, con la poesia

'Teheran, guarda il cielo' - Premio di Poesia 'L'Alloro di Dante 2024',Finalista con segnalazione speciale di merito

nelle sezioni 'poesia singola' e 'silloge'


- American Council on Exercise: Fitness Instructor, Personal Trainer, Lifestyle and Weight Management Consultant

1 four-thousand-meter mountain climbed: the Matterhorn


Past work experience: Advertising/Publishing: graphic designer, illustrator, art director (1978 -2002).

Fitness: fitness instructor, personal trainer (1998 - 2013)

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